

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Cube
  • Grizzly Man
  • Eyes Wide Shut

Recent activity

  • Fargo


  • Blue Velvet


  • Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman

  • Wild at Heart

Recent reviews

  • Fargo



    when i was 11 this was my favourite film but only bc i thought north dakota was a made up place like middle earth

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    its like that scene in godfather with the gun behind the toilet except for an entire movie and with like multiple layers of that . truly a masterclass in tension and dramatic irony (my vocabulary is getting bigger) and with so many interesting erotic elements and kinda controversial ideas

    unfortunately i really feel like lynch was capable of more than this and his later movies definitely show his talents more . i enjoyed this film more as like a well-made…

Popular reviews

  • Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman

    Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman

    please watch this movie its so good    at least watch like the first 5 mins because you can work out if ur the kind of person to enjoy it (dark and twisted personality) (like me) or the kind of person to not like it (like my beautiful girlfriend) (but she liked the credits scene)

    very different to guinea pig 1-2, only really united by the special effects. felt more like a japanese comedy variety show but i also love those

    grateful for the rec 🙏

  • Wild at Heart

    Wild at Heart

    not a subtle film by any means but its so energetic and compelling and unlike anything else ive seen - i think its fair to excuse all the gratuitousness and embrace the 🧀 and ⛺️

    the only lynch movie momo and i have seen where we’ve left the cinema more joyous than when we walked in

    please watch (with friends)
