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🕺former film student (soz) 🕺

Favorite films

  • But I'm a Cheerleader
  • A Matter of Life and Death
  • The Souvenir: Part II
  • While You Were Sleeping

Recent activity

  • Skatetown, U.S.A.


  • Adolescence


  • Waking Up in Reno


  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


Recent reviews

  • Skatetown, U.S.A.

    Skatetown, U.S.A.


    I have mixed feelings on Skatetown USA, the earliest Swayze we have on our list, where he looks like the Masc Lesbian that broke your heart… roller blading.
    This is simultaneously the most exhausting, baffling and excellent thing we have watched. It is like getting slapped over and over and over again until you can accept that they’re are very high stakes to skating, who is the best skater? Why is this just like cats? Food hygiene is an all…

  • Waking Up in Reno

    Waking Up in Reno


    Swayzathon has been saved by Patrick Swayze slurping down oysters like the big himbo he is x

Popular reviews

  • Witches



    I think this might be my top of the year, not joking. This is a visceral, cathartic, dense, heartbreaking and joyful piece of art. Witches is not only deeply rooted in history and fact, but also in love and empathy. It’s a transformative, tight, intimate work. 

    I went into this not expecting to be as moved as I was. And I’m not sure actually there is much I can say other than emphasising how powerful and brave the speakers are…

  • Madame Web

    Madame Web

    I could go into this saying this is terrible. Which it is. But I do not want to do that.
    No guys.
    Madame Web is actually a rich, meta textual, post modernist, deconstructionist text. Maybe because you guys don’t have a film degree you wouldn’t understand the highly intelligent and bountiful film that is this one. 
    Are most of the villain’s lines done with terrible ADR? Yes? And? That’s a bold and artistic choice to alienate an audience member -…