
TBDave Pro

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Recent reviews

  • The Well

    The Well


    This was pretty good for the most part. The movie starts out as a slow burn supernatural Euro horror, and I was enjoying it. But then there's a torture porn scene in the middle that really bugged me. It's so gruesome and gory. I'm usually fine with gore, but that scene was extremely cruel and unpleasant. It seemed unnecessary and out of place with the rest of the movie. I'll give the film 3 Stars, but if that scene was toned down I would have rated it higher.

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera


    Love this movie. I hadn't seen it in a long time. It was one of the first horror movies I ever watched. The Phantom scared the crap out of me when I was a little kid. This time, I watched it on Joe Bob's Last Drive-In. It was a good episode with some interesting background info.

Popular reviews

  • Phenomena



    I really enjoyed this one. It was a fun popcorn horror flick with spooky atmosphere and some good jump scares. The ending could have been better, but it was fine. I had a great time watching it, and I hope they do a sequel.

  • Killer Book Club

    Killer Book Club


    I love teen slasher flicks. So I enjoyed this. It looks great, has some cool locations, a likeable cast, and decent kill scenes. But every scene is blatantly ripped off from one of the Scream or IKWYDLS movies. Nothing's surprising, because you've seen it all before. Honestly, it's almost plagiarism. Despite that, I had fun watching it. I like the Scream films and all the Scream rip-offs. So if you're a fan of modern teen slashers, give it a shot. Just don't expect too much.