

Somewhat enjoys movies

Favorite films

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Recent activity

  • RoboCop


  • Prisoners


  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


  • The Great Gatsby


Recent reviews

  • RoboCop



    Terminator better😎

    It was cool, but I didn’t care about robocop like I do about the Terminator. He doesn’t feel like a robot growing to understand human emotion. I totally understand the SCREW CORPORATE message though; it’s still relevant today and probably even more potent of a message. Also, I watched this at 2 am and was tripping by the time the final shootout was happening. This was maybe 2 weeks ago now.

  • Prisoners



    From the first 15 minutes I was already too tense to be comfortable with. They shot it like someone was watching where the main characters couldn’t see. Also, there was hardly any music, so everything felt more like the viewer is in the house with Loki or Keller rather than watching a dramatized case unfold. I had a connection with the families because they weren’t shown in a super stylized way. Really straightforward cinematography made everyone seem down to earth.…

Popular reviews

  • Nightcrawler



    This was unsettling; I kept thinking this is a horror movie while watching. Lou is an interesting character. I’m not sure if he’s crazy or not because he’s not killing people or something like that. He’s just a very persistent businessman. Like Rick said in the movie, Lou obviously isn’t very emotionally aware, as he’ll always try to negotiate even though feelings aren’t always that straightforward. In that same conversation, Lou  implied he doesn’t like people, so that’s something of…

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    1970s New York seems like a swell place to be.

    Honestly, Travis seems like a nice guy. I don’t think he’s wrong for wanting New York to be better, but he refers to the contents of the city multiple times as filth, scum, etc. It doesn’t even appear that he has some superiority complex; he just seems really disappointed with the people in the city. Also, I liked the voiceovers. Good touch.

    Easily one of the most memorable scenes in…
