Teddy Hose

Teddy Hose

Favorite films

  • Ghost World
  • We Are Little Zombies
  • Evil Dead II
  • The Big Lebowski

Recent activity

  • Who Is Luigi Mangione?

  • Dig!


  • The Big Picture


  • She's Gotta Have It


Recent reviews

  • Who Is Luigi Mangione?

    Who Is Luigi Mangione?

    Luigi's justified feelings of rage 99% of us feel shine through all the criticism. He may have had some issues that pushed him over the edge, but they didn't hold a flame to the magnitude of violence and suffering the American health insurance industry commits daily, as a routine standard.

    If anything, the documentary preserves an example of how fresh after the assassination, national media really tried and failed to paint him as the problem. For example, when Luigi said…

  • Dig!



    Unpolished and unfiltered, just like the tragic cast of characters here and their circus of chaotically maintained talent. The Replacements put on uncomfortably vexatious live shows on purpose, but Anton of BJM is psychologically incapable of brushing off slights on stage. Knowing a bit about his upbringing, it feels mean to shine a spotlight on him like this. But I guess that's counterbalanced with the unanimous praise of his musical genius, and his narcissistic claims from start to finish.


Popular reviews

  • SubUrbia



    I love movies about the mundanity of suburban life like Ghost World, Office Space, and Clerks, which the poster of this movie feels a lot like. While it’s not a comedy, the relatable theme of trying to figure things out in young adulthood, shown through vignettes of different personalities/attitudes in liminal backdrops of parking lots at night, makes this a classic Linklater film. In fact, Kevin Smith had said Clerks was inspired by Linklater’s 1990 film Slacker, so go fig.…

  • Made in Sheffield

    Made in Sheffield


    This is Sheffield's version of Manchester, Dunedin, Seattle, Omaha, the East Bay, Ruston, or Athens, GA. It's another story about a town where nothing interesting was happening at the time, so a group of musicians inspired by their music heroes made something out of nothing, and suddenly it took off. Love it.

    I just wish it was longer. One hour was not enough to cover the many bands mentioned. This doc mostly focuses on The Human League, which is fine but I liked, for example, how the Inside/Out documentary on the Athens, GA scene also focused on the story of lesser-known band Pylon.