Births last longer than death
In Palestine death is sudden,
happens in between breaths
River to the sea.
Shipping is such a crucial part of our lives, yet it is rarely included in discussions. Might be one of my favorite documentaries, wish it was more accessible.
However, this documentary is about more than just shipping. It provides a holistic perspective of the people affected by it. From the people simply affected through their proximity or relation to shipping and transport, like gentrification, expropriation, displacement and so on. To the workers and their exploitation and their unionisation efforts. The…
Watching this when it came out must've been such an insanely emotional experience, incredible piece really. I'm glad I watched it as a kid but I don't think I came close to appreciating how cool and beautiful it is.
Neutrality, humanitarian superpower, folkhemmet. Two world wars were avoided. No sides were picked in the aftermath. Prosperity reigned. These are things we are told growing up, these are the things we are taught. And yes, without any further investigation this is true. But once one starts to look beneath the façade, than one sees how rotten that foundation is.
This is true for more than Sweden, Dag Hammarskjöld embodied these ideals of peace, diplomacy, and neutrality. In Sweden, Hammarskjöld has…
Very interesting with recent trend in superhero content to push this faux "anti"-imperialist agenda.
Like there is some acknowledgement of western atrocities (see Black Adam, some allegories for Iraq and the US occupation) (in this colonialism in Latin America, lots of progressive BLM type anti-colonial speak, e.g. calling a certain CIA agent a coloniser) but this is always shrewd and historically revisionist. It's never explicited really said anything about US imperialism, and if it attempted, then its because of bad…