

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Bring It On
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Halloween

Recent activity

  • The Octagon


  • Rumble Fish


  • Eraserhead


  • Miami Connection


Recent reviews

  • The Octagon

    The Octagon


    The mind boggles: was this movie EVER taken seriously? Forget pegging it as an easy target for parody due to its wooden acting, plot holes, etc. ... the movie itself seems to be leaning in HARD to its sheer awfulness. And for that willful and game spirit alone, I say watch it! You'll know right away what kind of treat you're in for once the (soon to be constant) whispering, echoing, lisping voice-over of the main character's thoughts take center stage. Makes me want to mainline more awful Chuck Norris flicks.

  • Rumble Fish

    Rumble Fish


    Basically the bizarro world version of "The Outsiders". Don't focus on things like "plot" or "convincing line readings" - just succumb to its dream-like logic and rhythms. Fascinating and underrated.

Popular reviews

  • Hollywood Zap

    Hollywood Zap


    Very bizarre misfire. Filmed in 1983 (and boy, does it look like it) before it gathered dust for 3 years while some brain trust tried to figure out "how the heck do we market this piece of garbage??" Points for vintage 80s arcade footage and an unexpected plot turn in act 3. Otherwise? Pretty much an abomination.

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    Enjoyable enough, but would've worked better as a 1 hour episode of The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror. This movie is LONG and you more than get the point after, oh, 10 minutes or so. Props to Demi Moore for going all in with a rather brave role here. Also, does body-horror maestro Cronenberg get royalty checks from this?
