Fascinating to watch Manns evolution as a director. This was made before his handheld closeup era.
Nobody says goodbye on a payphone in a Michael Mann movie. They just abruptly hang up after an intense conversation.
At one point Grace Kelly asks Cary Grant if he finds it difficult being around her expensive diamonds, unable to touch any of them. As a former cat burglar trying to prove he’s changed of course he says it doesn’t bother him. She doesn’t believe him. That’s the whole point of this movie, once you break enough rules people will never really forgive you. You’ll always be seen as the worst version of yourself, even if you served your time and are redeemed in the eyes of the law. Reputation is all anyone has and it’s an incredibly fragile thing.
It’s always the mundane moments in Feliinis films that resonate most with me. A character walking alone on the beach, or stuck in traffic. Most filmmakers would fill these moments with exposition, Fellini lets his films breathe.
Zampano seems to be the surrogate for Fellini himself. The ringmaster at the head of his own travelling circus known as making movies. Gelsomina, his loyal partner in real life, following him wherever he goes.