

Favorite films

  • Hard to Kill

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Recent reviews

  • Paint



    i dont know why no one loved this piece of shit garbage ass movie as much as i did!??

    irl bob ross did actually infatuate a bunch of women in his entourage so this makes things 10x funnier

    anyhow, watching owen wilson whisper-talk to everyone is very funny to me

  • The Master

    The Master


    it's still the best


Popular reviews

  • Easy Rider

    Easy Rider


    en commençant le film, rendu 20 minutes dedans, je me disais qu'il va falloir que j'le regarde une autre fois bien "high" comme ils le disent tous, bien high comme le bon beau ptit gars que jsuis qui fume 24h/7, get baked dude!! fuck yeah man get high

    jokes aside si c'tait pas pour la fin (qui me semble vraiment absurde, mais bon, j'imagine que ce genre de choses là arrivait vraiment dans ce temps là), j'aurais donné 4 étoiles…

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    this feels like the sort of film where the director wrote a (albeit intricately layered and well-thought-out) film just so he could crank his pecker off to so many scenes of emma stone getting railed by different guys. sort of feels like the director's weird fetish. kind of like that film where scarlett johansson walks around naked and has sex with guys just to kill them afterwards.

    anyways i like how the film looks (the skies and the sets of…
