Het Desai

Het Desai Patron

Favorite films

  • The Lion King
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Before Sunset
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Recent activity

  • Ring


  • Snow White


  • I'm Still Here


  • Blade Runner 2049


Pinned reviews

  • Before Sunset

    Before Sunset


    This is one of the few movies where assigning a rating just feels wrong. Ever since I first watched Before Sunset, I knew that it hadn’t full hit me. I knew I needed more growing in order to fully appreciate this film. And yet, I loved it from beginning to end knowing what I knew. 

    Before Sunrise presented realised characters in a story that was just magical enough for us to want to experience and realistic enough for us to…

  • Not Okay

    Not Okay


    As I am writing this, I poignantly kneel in front of the shrine of NickNick Cage. A shrine I have built myself over my years of trying to study this fascinating yet simple creature. In the very middle, a signed poster of Ghost Rider (2007). Beautiful. Slowly, I start taking it down, crying like a nun witnessing abortion. A new shrine must be built. A shrine for a future divinity. A new GodZoey ✨ Deutsch.


Recent reviews

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    Day one gang

  • Shadow of Fire

    Shadow of Fire


    For the last several days, this film has clouded my mind. I would be in the middle of a task and an image from its shadows would pop up in my head like radiation from nuclear fallout. It’s so simple and yet I’m not going to forget this one.

Popular reviews

  • Bingo Hell

    Bingo Hell


    “Are we leaving Oaks Springs?” 
    “…We are Oaks Springs”

    This is one of worst written movie I’ve seen this year with hapless and annoying directing with unlikable lead characters and pretty bad editing.

    The main bad guy was captivating for a bit but the film decides to hinder on its boring and extremely unlikable protagonist who has as much character as a wannabe prostitute. 

    I’ve barely said this but I feel like I wasted time trying to watch this movie.…

  • Thor: Love and Thunder

    Thor: Love and Thunder


    It was disheartening to watch Taika Waititi shit on the VFX in his own film during an interview, knowing full well how overworked marvel’s VFX artists are. Then I watched the film and it was even more disheartening to see a Taika Waititi film that I found painfully unfunny and soulless

    A script that shouldn’t even be classified as a rough draft and here I was thinking the writing couldn’t get worse than Multiverse of Madness. I hated so many…