

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • The Exorcist
  • Alien
  • Halloween

Recent activity

  • Halloween II


  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


  • Akira


  • Mad Max 2


Recent reviews

  • Halloween II

    Halloween II


    I think Halloween II retains some suspense that the original had even though there is some silliness.
    I did like Loomis line, “Samhain isn't goblins or evil spirits. It isn't witches or ghosts. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves.” The Halloween franchise aside from the original film is not ripe with lots of thought- provoking things but there are installments where there will be things that jump out as an interesting extrapolation. That line…

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


    If my 10-year-old self was watching this, it would be off the charts in the scares factor. Heart beating, snake surprise, creepy crawly nasty – all that stuff is still there and present, despite being a bit muted by today’s standards [it still scores high for me].
    Time is precious, but I strongly encourage if you have a moment, check out Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It has more thematic depth than Temple of Doom.
    (Reed Lackey)

    Even things…

Popular reviews

  • The Mission

    The Mission


    The Mission does post some challenges. You have to pay attention and there's some subtleties to it. If you have any question as to why we give this film a perfect score for it's thematic substance, just listen to our podcast episode. Even from a cinematic standpoint it's a beautiful film to look at and the score from Ennio Morricone is highly effective and was one of the first things that enraptured my imagination about this film.
    (Reed Lackey)


  • Devil



    Don't get me wrong, it won't crack a top 10 horror of all time for me, but I just really like this movie. I think it's a bit clunky at times. It's scripting is really on the nose in some places. But, it is short and sweet, it knows what it's doing, and it gets in and gets out in a pretty effective manner. It's very entertaining for what it is.
    (Nathan Rouse)

    I completely agree. I also love the…