Glipsnorp Sneebleslomp

Glipsnorp Sneebleslomp

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Mars Express
  • Winter Light
  • District 9

Recent activity

  • Inseminoid


  • Baby Driver


  • Eraserhead


  • The Goonies


Recent reviews

  • Inseminoid



    What is this movie

  • Baby Driver

    Baby Driver


    I forgot how fucking good this movie was.

Popular reviews

  • The Goonies

    The Goonies


    I credit this movie for my love of wistful 80’s synth music.

    I also credit it for scaring me into practicing piano as a kid since the fucking bone-keys scene scared the shit out of me and I though I was gonna fall into a pit of spikes if I got notes wrong.

    Now I’m wrought with perfectionism anxiety and a sense of “nothing is ever good enough.”

    Thanks a lot “The Goonies.”

  • Chronicle



    Weirdly a comfort movie for me somehow?

    Max Landis figured out how to write then never did again ever :))))

    Also lowkey perfect casting for everyone. Especially Dane Dehan. 

    When I was a kid I thought I would get powers if I walked into a cave so I just spelunked the sewers of my neighborhood and fought off a family of rabid raccoons with a crowbar. Thanks Dane Dehan for motivating me to try and become a telekinetic incel as a kid.

    Instead I fought off raccoons in the sewer cause I was that dumb.