Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
This one is just silly goose. Nothing makes sense but that's why you're here. Sit back. Have a drink. Forget about life for a while.
Edit after finishing:
Ending was better than everything in the series combined. A truly satisfactory ending.
Probably the most entertaining of the wick films so far. It's just fun. But looney tunes fun as this film makes no sense. And I think that's okay.
The writing is.. weird? The story seems like more of an excuse to see John Wick be John Wick. Hes constantly running around this film and then hasn't much to show for it. The fight sequences made me laugh uncontrollably. The knife throwing scene is pure comedy. If you came for anything…
It's fun I suppose. Has some good scenes when they build up how infamous John is. But it does more tell than show unfortunately. When we do see john fight, he's clearly kicking ass but it feels more light plot armor than true devilish skill. Keanu is also too likeable for me to view him as this terrifying presence.
Would have given it 4 stars but they make us watch the dog die. -1 million stars
I finally watched Groundhog Day.
Oddly enough i have never seen this film. Seems almost un-American. I went into this film expecting silly nonsense and was struck with a love story I didn't know I needed. Billy Murray is fantastic obviously. For a simple silly idea of a guy reliving the same crappy day, this film showed exceptional depth. Seeing Phil's character progression was moving to say the least.
"Whatever happens tomorrow, or for the rest of my life, I'm happy now... because I love you."