Still works so elegantly every single time - even though it breaks rules that normally infuriate me - it just earns so very much by that point that its finale works as effectively as any ending of the era.
A genuine masterpiece.
Still works so elegantly every single time - even though it breaks rules that normally infuriate me - it just earns so very much by that point that its finale works as effectively as any ending of the era.
A genuine masterpiece.
It’s not that this film is Lynchs most normal cause it’s very peculiar in its own right - it’s that perhaps it’s his most removed of horror. It’s not removed of pain, nor of a sadness - instead perhaps it stands alone because if it’s lightness, because if it’s truth and overwhelming touching nature.
This is perhaps Lynchs subtlest film and yet still overwhelms with power and emotion.
No movie makes me laugh more, no movie makes me feel sadder - no movie is overall as solid as package of everything you’d want.