Has some really great kills and I ended up enjoying the killer reveal and isn’t that what Scream is all about? Fan service just got a little outta hand for me.
When I saw this in theaters, I absolutely loved it. I don’t know I enjoy it quite as much now but it’s still very good. Such an original concept and despite some questionable CGI, the creature is pretty solid. The score and sound design are really what do it for me though.
One of my favorite horror movies ever. I love every single character. It makes me laugh and it disturbs the shit outta me which is a very rare combination. I’ve seen this movie 20+ times and I never get tired of it. it isn’t perfect (the dr Satan stuff at the end always throws me off a little bit) but the rest of the movie is so fucking great, it more than makes up for it.
First time watching Critters and it’s a movie I wish I would have gotten around to much sooner- I would have loved this even more as a kid. The cast is surprisingly good (always nice to see Billy Zane with a ponytail) and the characters are all super likable. The Crites are pretty cool gremlin ripoffs. Can’t wait to get into the sequels.