John Williams

John Williams Patron

Short movie notes here; I post full-length reviews on my web site.

Favorite films

  • Mad God
  • Blazing Saddles
  • The Return of the Living Dead
  • One Cut of the Dead

Recent activity

  • Goldfinger


  • Space Master X-7


  • Sherlock: Case of Evil


  • Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch

Pinned reviews

  • The Terrornauts

    The Terrornauts


    This movie! The early parts of it are an academia procedural where everyone argues about funding. Then we see a robot that looks like a child’s drawing of a Dalek. After that things get deeply weird, including a matter-transference side-track into a group of post-apocalyptic humanoid-sacrificing aliens. Also a lot of props that looked like they were hand-scribbled by Sharpies.

  • Dracula vs. Frankenstein

    Dracula vs. Frankenstein


    I gave the movie two extra full stars because Al Adamson did not kill the dog.

Recent reviews

  • The Chronicles of Riddick

    The Chronicles of Riddick


    This movie is over the top of movies that are over the top. I feel like I should hate it but I very much don’t.

  • Dagger Eyes

    Dagger Eyes


    Very interesting and engaging story. Terrible dialog. Hilarious line reads.

Popular reviews

  • Happy Death Day

    Happy Death Day


    Went into this one pretty blind and not expecting much, but I got an even stronger Giallo vibe from this film than I did the intentionally giallo-inflected Malignant. Surprises like this are why I watch so many random movies.

    My complete review.

  • Married Too Young

    Married Too Young


    There’s a scene where she suggests to him that she get a job in a tone of voice that says “I could sell both my kidneys” and he reacts as though she’s suggested bartering sex for subway sandwiches. These old 50s morality stories are so weird.

    Also Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore looked younger than these two.