Tyler Rutt

Tyler Rutt Pro

Writer for Turner Classic Movies. Ex Daily Show/Colbert Report. Bring on the weird ones.

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • Massacre Mafia Style
  • The Oscar
  • All About Eve

Recent activity

  • The Adventures of Marco Polo


  • Friendly Persuasion


  • Flap


  • Manhunter


Recent reviews

  • The Adventures of Marco Polo

    The Adventures of Marco Polo


    Sometimes enjoyable, always ludicrous adventure movie. Gary Cooper is horribly miscast but typically stiff as an Italian stallion charming a parade of Hollywood actresses in yellowface with severely tweezed eyebrows. They can't help but make goo-goo eyes at the handsome explorer. Reminds me more of a Sinbad movie than anything (although don't mistake that for an endorsement because it’s nowhere as enjoyable as any Sinbad movie I’ve seen.)

    Watched via Kanopy

  • Friendly Persuasion

    Friendly Persuasion


    I guess this is what passed for Oscar bait in the 1950s, an overlong, glacially-paced look at Quaker life with some gentle humor and watered-down tension that makes an episode of "Little House on the Prairie" feel like "The Sopranos." It's fitting Pat Boone croaks out the theme.

    Watched via YouTube rental

Popular reviews

  • David Byrne's American Utopia

    David Byrne's American Utopia


    Enjoyable repurposing of Talking Heads and Byrne solo music that offers up some political commentary that feels both hopeful and sad for a film made prior to the 2020 election and finally viewed by me in 2025. Sort of a broad theme/idea trying to tie it all together, but a lot of the Talking Heads songs are not really recontexualized and kind of just saying the same things they’d said 40 years earlier. Spike Lee does a pretty good job of letting the action play out while making it visually interesting, outside of a half-dozen shots with awkward zooms.

    Watching streaming on Max.

  • Babylon



    A movie that wants to wallow in the overbaked cliches of Hollywood decadence and then at the end try to sell us on “the magic of movies”. Nothing redeemable only Brad Pitt manages to find any humanity in the poorly-drawn characters.