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To Watch in 2023
based on (02.12.2023)
Im Kino 2022
movies from 2022 (Germany) I have seen in cinema (or at home)
Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked
as of 11.07.2022 First five and last two are set, inbetween depends on my mood.
Harry Potter Ranked
Edit 1/2019: have to rewatch the original heptalogy
Fantastic Beats is definitely my favourite one of the universe and I…
If I had a movie collection...
Although I like the look of shelves filled with BluRays, DVDs or VHS tapes, it is nothing I see myself…
Im Kino 2021
movies from 2021 (Germany) I have seen in cinema (or at home)
To Watch in 2022
based on (21.12.2021)
DCEU Ranked
as of 14.05.2021
Well. This list is more a sort of "What would I watch again more likely", because no…