Todd Russell

Todd Russell

Favorite films

  • Psycho
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Back to the Future
  • Star Wars

Recent activity

  • Dear Santa

  • Demolition


  • Rampage


  • Thanksgiving


Recent reviews

  • Dear Santa

    Dear Santa

    Liam writes a letter, misspelling Santa as "Satan" and Jack Black appears to grant him three wishes to claim his soul. Yeah, a pretty thin three wishes cliche, wrapped in a holiday tale. Jack Black overtries at every turn to make this fun and, in fairness, without him this would be a complete waste of time.

    If you're bored waiting for the turkey to finish cooking, you can watch this turkey. Better yet, just avoid it. Not funny, not heartwarming, not good.

  • Demolition



    Man's wife dies in a car accident early in the movie and he implodes, literally demolishes his world to cope with the depression. Add in a customer service rep, Karen, for a vending machine he files a complaint for missing candy and there's a female new love interest. For a friend, Karen's teenage son dealing with bullying and frustration over his sexual identity and the man plays a big brother/stand-in father figure.

    A mostly depressing story of death, loss and…

Popular reviews

  • Doctor Sleep

    Doctor Sleep


    At the end of this movie the early screening audience started clapping.

    Video Review - just left the theater (no spoilers)

    Perhaps the best horror movie sequel I've ever seen because it doesn't try to be a significant rehash of what came before, it draws inspiration and excitement from the source material but it isn't a clone.

    I hoped I'd like this, because I loved The Shining novel and movie. A young, ferocious Stephen King writes a masterful novel, then…

  • 1917



    The one continuous camera shot might seem like a gimmick, but it's the real deal. Just try and figure out where the film is cut from the beginning. It's an engaging way to shoot this film that adds a level of depth and immersion that accentuates the overall story and creates a compelling viewing experience.

    Video Review - just left theater (no spoilers)

    It's a simple plot, yet effectively told through the camerawork and mostly two actor focus. Two soldiers,…