Adam Pieper

Adam Pieper Pro

I believe if you talk during a movie in a theater, you should be put down

Favorite films

  • The Apartment
  • Alien
  • A Woman Under the Influence
  • Magnolia

Recent activity

  • Being There


  • Sangam

  • True Stories


  • The General


Recent reviews

  • Being There

    Being There


    Quietly hilarious and original

    I have no clue why the basketball jones sequence resonates with me so much, but it does

  • True Stories

    True Stories


    Mike Wallace wants MY BODY 

    89 minutes of pure joy

Popular reviews

  • The Truman Show

    The Truman Show


    First time seeing the whole thing, I remember seeing bits of this on cable as a kid & being off-put because it’s almost a horror movie

    I wish Jim would’ve been nominated for this & also great score 

    It’s funny that this comes out right before the big boom of reality tv, this says so much about who we are as an audience, for gods sake they make him think his father drowned.. how is it that only Sylvia has a heart?…

  • Naked



    There are so many quotes of Johnny that I would love to share, but there’s too many to choose just one

    Wow, hopeless cinema you win again. 

    I am pretty new to Leigh & I was going to start with this film it being my birth year and all & perhaps his most acclaimed, but I’m glad I didn’t because I could see how peachy & creamy his other works could make you feel & then there’s THIS!

    We all know a Johnny, someone…