
Treble Pro

Favorite films

  • Dead Man's Letters
  • Koyaanisqatsi
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Black Narcissus

Recent activity

  • Wolf Man


  • The Outrun


  • Sing Sing


  • V/H/S/Beyond


Recent reviews

  • The Wailing

    The Wailing


    Central thesis: being lazy, callow and non-committal is what causes evil to propagate. As a basis for horror it's... interesting, I guess? Ultimately unthreatening though, despite its ghoulishness.

    Also the film most in need of a drastic fan edit, possibly ever.

  • Half Nelson

    Half Nelson


    Hear that splash...?
    That's the cast bravely jumping in to save this movie.

Popular reviews

  • Footloose



    “Ok, so the plot is that Kevin Bacon’s character comes to a repressed small town and frees the kids’ sexuality through dance, right?”
    “Um, kinda, but there’s no sex”
    “Really? Ok, so it’s a makeout film then, yeah? Lots of ‘over the clothes’ making-out?”
    “…not really, guy. There’s a lot of half-naked men, if that helps..?”
    “Oh! So it’s a gay film? That’s coo…”
    “…no, no, sorry. It’s hetero”
    “Right: so it’s a sweet, PG-rated love story a bit like…

  • Shock Treatment

    Shock Treatment


    Rocky Horror always had a game strut in its step and half a bratwurst down its codpiece; sweet transvestitism against RKO backdrops. Most importantly, it had a wonderful soundtrack; a kitsch encapsulation of a world moving from the innocent Forties into the more sophisticated, sexually-charged Sixties.

    The pseudo-sequel, Shock Treatment is another sideways stab at manufactured culture, with Richard O’Brien targeting asinine TV. Sporting a dayglo, cartoonish look, we get the further adventures of Brad and Janet as their home…