

Favorite films

  • The Godfather
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Se7en

Recent activity

  • Vertigo


  • Hereditary


  • The Cabin in the Woods


  • The Village


Recent reviews

  • Vertigo



    If you are part of the vast demographic I was that knows Hitchcock is great and never doubted his films were good but also shyed away from watching them out of fear of boredom welllll
    It doesn't matter what you think your cup of tea is THIS FILM WILL BECOME IT
    One of the best films of all time crafted flawlessly
    A story fit for classic literature, with relevant and fascinating psychological themes, incredible music, gorgeous framing, eery editing and next level performances
    This is one of the best films of all time and truly deserving of its title

  • Hereditary



    One of the best horror films I've ever watched and every hit deserving of the hype
    Scraping that top bar of horror films:Shining, Get Out, Sixth Sense, etc..
    Why?? Because it not only brings the scares, but amazing performances, a rich and original story and an out of genre depth
    While most horror nowadays is guts and jumpscares this films aim is to horrify you with shock terror and paranormal suspense
    All round a great film that may not tick everyone's boxes but will disturb you atleast once

Popular reviews

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Captain America: The First Avenger


    I have a big soft spot for this film
    It really does have so much heart
    The actions great and this is all round a brilliant origin story
    Red Skull is a little forgettable and nit built up to be the menacing force he should be
    But Chris Evans is great as Cap and made the film
    The romance and world building is well done and this is all round a blast

  • Spider-Man 2

    Spider-Man 2


    One of the best comic book movies ever made in my (and countless other fans) objective opinions you whiny Garfield fan boy bitches💕
    Joking I love Garfield but this is THE spider man trilogy and the best film within it
    A great arc, good character development and themes and the villain is brilliant
    The train scene is still one of my favorites and this is an essential film to any boys chdhood trust me
    So so dam good
