At no point was I really hating this
But I was also never really enjoying it
I was lost somewhere in middle enjoyment
I could go a half star lower but I liked the animation
At no point was I really hating this
But I was also never really enjoying it
I was lost somewhere in middle enjoyment
I could go a half star lower but I liked the animation
This movie is fucking insane
But I loved every second of it
I know others will not like it
I tried talking to people around me about how cool it was as the credits rolled and they just said “yeah” so I hope I’m not alone in my thoughts
such an insane sci-fi movie
Robert Pattinson is awesome
It actually gets better as it goes which is saying alot since I loved it from the jump
The trailers made it…
There are so many Jokers
But truly at the end of the day
Heaths is the only one that matters.
Like many, this movie is like a shot of nostalgia so I’ll always enjoy it.