Everyone likes this fuckin movie, I don't need to write a review about it. *Mic drop*
(To be fair I like it too and I actually thought I wouldn't want to watch it for the fourth time, but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought)
Everyone likes this fuckin movie, I don't need to write a review about it. *Mic drop*
(To be fair I like it too and I actually thought I wouldn't want to watch it for the fourth time, but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought)
I liked this one just as much as Two Towers. The battles were crazy awesome, but it's still so hard to look past my love for the books. It's just not the same. I liked watching the trilogy, but it's hard to love watching it when the whole time you're thinking about how it was supposed to go slightly differently and how that was better.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Not as good as fellowship. The battles were epic and there's a lot of fun scenes with Gimli, but the changes they made from the book made me angry, the most egregious of which would be Faramir.
One of the main themes of the books is renewal. The Elves, the firstborn, pass into the west and the second children of Illuvatar, Men, have their reign of Middle-Earth. The old die (Denethor, Theoden) and are replaced by the young (Faramir, Eomer).…
The extended edition is SO much better. The main thing I disliked about the theatrical cut is how fast-paced it is and how it skips theough things too quickly. The extended edition totally fixes the pacing and even makes some scenes slightly more book accurate. Everything in Hobbiton just feels more complete and transitions are smoother.
Also I don't know if I'm nuts, but the colours look more vibrant and it's just beautiful. Maybe it has to do with the…