Favorite films
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Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Henry Ford off the Honey pack
No but this movie was cheeks, but seeing Harrison Ford geeking tf out was funny. Disney/marvel is really gasping for air while dragging down talented/decent actors along with them to stay above air. They've done this "Inside corruption , brainwashing, mystery thriller" plot 3 times now and it's gotten worse and more stripped down with every movie. I felt that Anthony Mack daddy was genuinely trying and I surprisingly don't hate him. This could've…
Great character dynamics, banter and set/creature design. The alien looks too much like guy in suit to immerse myself/scare me; total "Bigfoot walking photo" problem. The jazz hands don't help but the facehugger and chest scene are quite brutal and freaky. Sigourney is a babe and the cool headed rational one on the ship and she's a great character in general. Good classic flick