Hard not to see the Tr*mp parallels here, except for the fact that Rhodes is brought low by the public overhearing his slander just once. Andy Griffith is a sweaty, grinning revelation.
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Hard not to see the Tr*mp parallels here, except for the fact that Rhodes is brought low by the public overhearing his slander just once. Andy Griffith is a sweaty, grinning revelation.
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Cute, funny, sweet, raunchy—I liked this movie, and even teared up a couple times. I love an actor’s commitment to playing a singular character a few times every five or six years.
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Haunting, beautiful, and sometimes sweetly funny. There is so much pain, love, misunderstanding, connection, tears, and laughter in this family.
A more formalistic counterpoint to The 400 Blows where the wild boy instead earns an education from a competent teacher, rather than escaping into the wilds of Paris from the incompetent adults around him. It doesn’t live up to its earth-shattering New Wave predecessor, but what film about boyhood ever did or could?
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