

Movie spirit album
If u like the movie check out the album☠️✨

Favorite films

  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • Belladonna of Sadness
  • Stop Making Sense
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution


  • Aliens

  • Alien

Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    No tt no, mira que no sóc el major defensor del guió, però no pots marcarte altíssim dr. invent d'absolutament tots els plot points importants, personatges que son los padres, un pacing que em se'm fa més ameno escoltar qualsevol àlbum de Snow Buildings (evidentment perque son la polla) però bueno, el resum es que: ni una premisa guapa, un grandíssim director, molta pasta, molt bon cast, èpic disseny de producció, foto digna ni meki vestuari asseguren que la teva peli no sigui un bodrio que em posi de mala llet, i em passa poc. Puta espanya

  • Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution

    Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution


    Drift kings

Popular reviews

  • Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad

    Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad


    Full moon sways
    Gently in the night of one fine day

    On my way
    Looking for a moment with my dear

    Full moon waves
    Slowly on the surface of the lake

    You are there
    Smiling in my arms for all those years

    What a fool
    I don't know about tomorrow
    What it's like to be

    I'm a tool
    Couldn't let myself to go
    Even though I feel
    The end

    Old love affair
    Floating like a bird resting her wings


  • Riot Police

    Riot Police


    aka cuida de tu salud mental o acabarás picoleto tron
