

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Evil Dead
  • Lost Highway
  • The Thing

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  • Sympathy For The Devil: The True Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment


  • Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich


  • Blue Velvet


  • Puppet Master: Axis Termination


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  • Eko Eko Azarak: Wizard of Darkness

    Eko Eko Azarak: Wizard of Darkness


    12/33 Hooptober films
    2/3 3 asian horror films

    This was fun if not a little generic with the lore. But it had some unique kills and a decent cast and it's made me interested to see the sequels. If there was a little more time on exposition and spooks and a little less running around trying to escape a building you can't escape from it would have been better.

  • Bad Ben 9: Benign

    Bad Ben 9: Benign


    20/31 Hooptober films

    This movie had moments that were good but a lot of it was call backs and fanservicey stuff. If it wasn't that it was aimless wandering around the house. Now I've missed this house and did enjoy the once over but it got tiresome pretty quick. Still there are a few moments in this that brought my score up to a 3 overall.