Vann Vicente

Vann Vicente

A 19 year old who just plain loves movies, and hopes to watch more and more and more.

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • City Lights
  • Spirited Away
  • Ran

Recent activity

  • 2012


  • Cloud Atlas


  • Upstream Color


  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Recent reviews

  • 2012



    Breathtaking special effects and decent acting are brought down a script almost saturated with sap and an uninspiring message.

  • Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas


    Brilliant, breathtaking, extremely well acted, and an intense emotional journey. The film's beautiful music, amazing editing, and visual flair support the viewer's imaginations in the best way imaginable.

Popular reviews

  • The Room

    The Room


    If you have not watched The Room, drop everything that you are doing and watch it now... but first, read this review. I will keep this review short to get you to watch it right away. This is a totally spoiler free review, because to spoil this movie would be comparable to spoiling the fruit of the gods.

    The Room is a modern masterpiece. That is a fact. Not an opinion, a fact. You know when a movie just immediately…

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    Fair warning: this may be a bit long, and it might not read particularly like a review. A bit of a story, but I still have some insights into the film.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the movie that made me love cinema. Before I watched it, I couldn't connect to cinema as more than a shallow form of entertainment. After I finished watching it, with tears still in my eyes, I decided that I was ready for…