
vConqueror Patron

Favorite films

  • The Invisible Man
  • Parasyte -the maxim-
  • The Transformers: The Movie
  • Memories of Murder

Recent activity

  • Magic Cop


  • Taxi Hunter


  • The Platform 2


  • The Platform


Recent reviews

  • Magic Cop

    Magic Cop


    I love how this goes from “A zombie tries to trade drugs at a restaurant” to “Evil sorceress tries to kill trio of cops” 😆 Such a goofy plot
    The magic stuff is thick and fast throughout this which kept it entertaining, I really know nothing about Chinese fantasy magic but I still enjoyed it 😁

  • Taxi Hunter

    Taxi Hunter


    Great soundtrack 
    Main character did make me laugh a fair bit, the montage of him practicing pulling out the gun and the scene where he visits the undercover cop in hospital or both funny af

Popular reviews

  • The Kindred

    The Kindred


    I did like the final third, but god it takes some dedication getting there 😆
    Slow start with a fair bit of science-y mumbo jumbo that went straight over my head
    Creatures were actually pretty cool, just a shame it takes nearly an hour until we see them (no the odd appearance of a tentacle doesn’t count 😂)
    God damn it horror films can we please leave dogs alone 😭😭

    (Watched a free rip on youtube, no idea if there’s an official published version available in the UK 🤷‍♂️)

  • Five Fingers of Death

    Five Fingers of Death


    The Shawscope Volume 1 boxset from Arrow Video has really shot up in price on the second hand market recently so I was very eager to get my hands on it. Cex originally had it for £75 but that went up to £90 in recent months so I really couldn’t wait any longer to pick it up 😆😆 Well worth it I have to say, this first film was fantastic. Very frequent action, cartoonish levels of gore (the two eye…