Alyna Arriagada

Alyna Arriagada Pro

Favorite films

  • Inland Empire
  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • Under the Skin

Recent activity

  • Close-Up


  • Open Your Mind


  • Serial Experiments Lain


  • Zimov Hypothesis

Pinned reviews

  • Serial Experiments Lain

    Serial Experiments Lain


    [ you ever discover a work so deeply impactful , soul-melding & healing , ,
    that no words seem able to communicate the beauty -
    held in such a delicate hand
    in time , i'm sure we'll understand ]

    // A lonely childhood. . .

    That's generally what I would tell people when describing my testosterone-poisoned, deeply isolatory, middle school & high school life.

    I had friends, don't get me wrong...
    at least, I think they were my friends.

  • XXY




    It's rare to encounter a film that feels like it was made for you. To experience something so personal, so close, and so relatable that it bewilders the mind and leaves you thinking "how does this film actually exist?" When everything resonates with you on such a deep, emotional level, you just have to wonder how other people take in the experience, other people who are not like you. Looking at other reviews for XXY, I can see that…

Recent reviews

  • Open Your Mind

    Open Your Mind


    3dmixedmediaspectralTaodreamz / /

    calming-maximalist details given light (and darkness) in every finely crafted pixel - an enchantingly beautiful (a beautifully textured) film . much to explore, but never overwhelming. best experienced in unbridled emotional states * ~ _
    let the flow of the universe (cinematic&otherwise) bundle you up in cosmic divine - - - floating gentle along ethereal currents.

    similar to Angel's Egg (& basically every work of Oshii's); a tremendously deep love & appreciation for our feathered dinosaur angels of the skies <3 ^v^
    lots of lovely trees to admire ,within the meditative haze

  • Cutie Honey

    Cutie Honey


    Every frame a painting ^ v ^ uwu ✧₊⁺ ⋆⭒˚。˖°.⊹

    can't believe nobody ever mentions this essentially being Clueless x Love & Pop x Danger: Diabolik

    was losing my mind at soooo many points during this ~ how is this film both so incredibly Gender and vv gay (only improvement would've been Honey & Natty getting to kiss by the end; guess 2004 was just built different). beautiful pigeons during those two scenes w/ them just boppin about in the background


Popular reviews

  • Landscape in the Mist

    Landscape in the Mist


    Watching films like Landscape in the Mist is the main reason why I love this site so much. I don't remember the exact circumstances that led to my viewing of this film, but I know that without Letterboxd I never in a quadrillion years would of ever discovered that this film, or any similar to it (such as Tarkovsky's films), even existed. It's truly a beautiful thing.

  • Nostalgia for the Light

    Nostalgia for the Light


    I love it when films feel like they were made for me. As a Hispanic American with heavy Chilean heritage and ancestry, whose mother escaped from Chile to the U.S. towards the beggining of Pinochet's rule, I feel like theirs a lot in this film that I was able to personally relate to. I may not have had the same exact experiences, but I still felt the pain within the words of those who lost loved ones to Pinochet's dictatorship…