Vik Hughes

Vik Hughes Pro

if it's gay or gore, i'm watchin' it

Favorite films

  • Incantation
  • Monkey Man
  • I Saw the TV Glow
  • Close to You

Recent activity

  • Cold Skin


  • Top Gun


  • The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)


  • The Human Centipede (First Sequence)


Recent reviews

  • Cold Skin

    Cold Skin


    Vibes in daylight shots are giving Ammonite, with weirdness of The Lighthouse and like... Arcadian, maybe? Idk the mood was good but again, super dark lighting (sigh) and cool creature designs. 

    The drawings at the beginning were very Hieronymus Bosch-esque but I wish the actual creatures would've been.... cooler lol

  • Top Gun

    Top Gun


    Disappointed the constant eye fucking didn't actually result in any sex scenes. Homoeroticism off the charts in one of the "manliest" films people talk about

Popular reviews

  • The Deliverance

    The Deliverance


    solid genre film - the kids really sold this for me. their parts with the body stuff actually made me cringe (in a good way). & the cast was stacked. tonsssss of references to horror classics and contemporary classics. the social commentary here is piping hot too. all these characters were people we love to hate & hate to love, and while the pacing was alright, it could've been about 10 mins shorter - some of the middle sequences felt shoehorned in. I'm from…

  • Aliens



    🎶now they call... me... MOTHER🎶

    petition for studios to learn from Newt on how much children's screaming is appropriate for movies pls. 

    Avatar thought they popped off with the machines people operate them in like one ripley's at the end of this, they just did it with more cgi and a worse outcome 25 years later 

    this was a little long but I enjoyed all the table setting at the beginning tbh. give me more lesbians tearing down these meatheads any day