

Mostly into Retro stuff.
Addicted to the '80s.
Favourite genres : Thriller,Mystery,Western,Adventure,Horror etc.

Favorite films

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Recent activity

  • Maniac Cop


  • Crime Zone


  • New Year's Evil


  • The Running Man


Recent reviews

  • Criminal Law

    Criminal Law


    From what I see around,this is not a very appreciated movie. I don't know why,I think it was a solid legal thriller,with some great actors as Kevin Bacon and Gary Oldman,which in my opinion was great in this. The direction was good and competent,plus the content about justice and law is always relevant. I can agree that in the second part the film loses some steam,but still it's a nice forgotten thriller from the '80s.

  • Remote Control

    Remote Control


    If you feel deep nostalgia for the VHS rental stores era like I do,this one is quite perfect. Cool to see and recognise the movies in the shelves,the promational cardboards or posters,a pure 80's fest...and the story it's quite fun to follow too. A very nice retro B-movie.

Popular reviews

  • The Red Queen Kills Seven Times

    The Red Queen Kills Seven Times


    Decent brain-teaser giallo with some gothic elements here and there. Nice german locations,stylistically it screams '70s all the way and the female actresses are very beautiful. Maybe it lacks a bit more tension in the middle part and a strong leading role,but still a nice watch.

  • Hider in the House

    Hider in the House


    A very well crafted suburban thriller drama,with a great interpretation by Gary Busey and a charming as usual Mimi Rogers.
    They don't do movies like this anymore,unfortunately.
