
w1nt3rmut3 Pro

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • Frenzy
  • Mad Max: Fury Road

Recent activity

  • Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day


  • Ice Cream Man


  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Pinned reviews

  • Hundreds of Beavers

    Hundreds of Beavers


    Wonderfully original and zany mix of a Buster Keaton silent film and Looney Toons. It embraces lo-fi effects but is actually sophisticated in how things are put together, and I love how it builds up cartoon logic to setup the gags.

    My 7-year-old and I loved it, but everyone else in the family was not a fan. Take from that what you will.

  • The Towering Inferno

    The Towering Inferno


    52 Years, In 52 Weeks: 2024 Edition

    The gold-standard blockbuster disaster movie holds up impressively well today (well, except for OJ Simpson as security guard).

    Full of great practical effects, apart from a few shots of obvious green screen or rear-projection or whatever it was. The focus on all the individual stories pays off, and there's a ton of genuinely tense moments. Paul Newman and Steve McQueen are great as the architect and fire chief, respectively.

    There were a few…

Recent reviews

  • Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire

    Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire


    134 mins, or 90 mins if you played all the slow-motion at regular speed.

  • Forbidden World

    Forbidden World


    A low-budget Roger Corman rip-off of Alien, with surprisingly decent production design but a horrible-quality creature.

Popular reviews

  • Sleep Tight

    Sleep Tight


    Daily Horror Hunt - December 2020
    #23: Horror film centered around sleep or dreams.

    Well, now I know the only thing scarier than a home invasion is not knowing about a home invasion!

    This creepy, tense horror film follows Cesar, a depressed concierge who can only feel something approaching happiness when he's made others miserable. He's both pathetic and sinister at the same time. Definitely not someone you want to have with a key to your apartment when you're not around!

    A tight, well-made movie that slowly raises the stakes as it goes.

  • Two Evil Eyes

    Two Evil Eyes


    HORRORx52 (2021 Edition)
    7. 1990's

    I don't need to sell you on the fact that it's a collaboration between George Romero and Dario Argento, or how it consists of a couple of Creepshow-esque adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories.

    I just need to tell you that this film features Harvey Keitel unironically dressing like this.