Lord Walterology 🏴‍☠️

Lord Walterology 🏴‍☠️ Patron

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Harakiri
  • Interstellar
  • Dune: Part Two

Recent activity

  • Gattaca


  • Mad Max: Fury Road


  • The Lost Boys


  • Sharkenstein


Pinned reviews

  • Harakiri



    "Is what you’re trying to tell us, that samurai honor is a Facade?"

    This movie just progressively gets better and better as you watch. not a single aspect of it drops its appeal for a second and they reward you by dropping a top 2 endings in cinema, congratulating you for watching the film. Not like it was a challenge to watch or anything, it was more equivalent to showing up to watch the Olympics and getting a diamond encrusted, solid gold participation trophy.

    In conclusion:
    Watch this right now. Seriously, click on the link and watch it.

  • Interstellar



    Seeing this in IMAX is one of the best experiences ever and nobody can tell me otherwise

Recent reviews

  • Gattaca



    I just realized that the word “Gattaca” is made up of DNA genomes like G, C, A, and T.

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road


    This movie goes hard AF. Nux is still the best character.

Popular reviews

  • The Lost Boys

    The Lost Boys


    The Goonies but vampire hunters. Also I like how in all of these movies there has to be a little brother that is only there to say “Holy guacamole! I’m not getting a wink of shut eye after that.” So you aren’t scared when you see a man get brutally impaled on a stake.

  • Sharkenstein



    I found Cocaine Shark while movie dumpster diving but then I found the other movies the director made and I discovered a plethora of bottom of the barrel shark movies and seeing that Cocaine Shark is his magnum opus I felt I should save it (probably for shark week) and slowly work my way up in quality through the Mark Polonia cinematic sharkiverse. This movie felt like a person was stabbing a screwdriver deeper and deeper through my frontal lobe until my brain was a liquid. I loved it.