Lord Walterology 🏴‍☠️

Lord Walterology 🏴‍☠️ Patron

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Harakiri
  • Interstellar
  • Dune: Part Two

Recent activity

  • Radiohead: In Rainbows - From the Basement


  • The Diary of Anne Frank


  • Mad Max: Fury Road - Introduction to Black & Chrome Edition by George Miller


  • Gattaca


Pinned reviews

  • Harakiri



    "Is what you’re trying to tell us, that samurai honor is a Facade?"

    This movie just progressively gets better and better as you watch. not a single aspect of it drops its appeal for a second and they reward you by dropping a top 2 endings in cinema, congratulating you for watching the film. Not like it was a challenge to watch or anything, it was more equivalent to showing up to watch the Olympics and getting a diamond encrusted, solid gold participation trophy.

    In conclusion:
    Watch this right now. Seriously, click on the link and watch it.

  • Interstellar



    Seeing this in IMAX is one of the best experiences ever and nobody can tell me otherwise

Recent reviews

  • Radiohead: In Rainbows - From the Basement

    Radiohead: In Rainbows - From the Basement


    Yay! I listened to the highest rated film on Letterboxd! Wait a minute listened to?
    I find it funny how on a MOVIE reviewing site the highest rated thing is a music video with no interesting visuals. I mean I’m not complaining Radiohead is one of if not my favorite band and in rainbows is my 3rd favorite album from them plus I really like from the basement. I’m angry they didn’t play jigsaw falling into place but they did play optimistic so can’t be too mad.
    My top 3 Radiohead albums would be:
    1: KID A

  • The Diary of Anne Frank

    The Diary of Anne Frank


    “For two years we have lived in fear, now we will live in hope.”
    Basically the play word for word with a few minor changes but that play it’s based on is super good. I think the movie does it justice and at worst it just kinda boring but it also based on hiding and not making a sound for hours on end with almost nothing to do. They do the suspense and growing paranoia really well along with the…

Popular reviews

  • Mad Max: Fury Road - Introduction to Black & Chrome Edition by George Miller

    Mad Max: Fury Road - Introduction to Black & Chrome Edition by George Miller


    It definitely gives of different vibes than the usually vibrant colors of Fury Road and color does work better for some scenes while black and white can make you notice the fine details and is better for the scenes with big crashes.

  • Gattaca



    I just realized that the word “Gattaca” is made up of DNA genomes like G, C, A, and T.