@ehrmxntraut on tiktok
I just really like movies.
i don’t understand how someone could watch this and not understand the message they’re portraying or feel personally attacked by said message. This is a problem. It is a problem with young men and even though ofc it’s not an “all men” problem, it is all women who have had an experience with a man that will likely effect them for the rest of their lives if they’re lucky enough to survive it. Problems like this in teenage boys don’t just go away, it’s not just “boys being boys”, it needs to change, it needs to be acted upon otherwise nothing will ever change.
i know i’m not the target audience but this just lowkey irritated me the whole time. dumb decisions and every potential solution being ruined in the weirdest way just to drag out the run time. surprisingly the recast disgust and fear didn’t even factor in to that, so fair play on that part i guess. sweet moral and ending though.
this movie will forever mean the world to me and i love it so fucking much.
it may not be the most amazing masterpiece but idc