Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
If you thought the film was a pale stripped-down Amazon-ified cheap imitation of its source material (exquisite work of political fantasy) then you obviously don't have a gay American boyfriend you l*** & perhaps you're not deliriously ill with the flu. If you didn't enjoy it then you clearly have your wits about you and I'm sorry for that. Five stars.
We are lacking Jess at the cinema! They're floppy in another dark room today (ill). Flanked by empty seat and man who falls asleep as soon as it begins. The schoolgirls on St Valentine’s Day are doing things for each other: preening, pressing flowers, pulling corsets, sliding love poems into dress pockets. Just practising. The guy next to me starts snoring just as the nauseating white noise of the rock takes hold.
I am thinking fondly about being a teenage…
BJ can scarcely contain this number of metaphysical concerns... Darcy's dead and we spend a lot of time wondering about where he's gone. Is there anywhere for matter to go? Does energy transfer? Does heaven exist? These questions are all seriously taken on by the film's project. So many dead-ends: why is Isla Fisher on screen as harried mother for five seconds? Why does the babysitter drop her boyfriend's name with such IMPLICATION? Why does Mr Wallaker have no life…
HOLY!!! 201 mins of closing drawers, boiling water, polishing cutlery, clicking doors. I've been stuck in corridors and mirrors and lifts since i watched this -- I got into a strange loop with my light switches one night. Why do I make my bed? Jeanne lives in service of Time. Tomorrow exists but not the future. Something, many things, the same things (apart from what's for dinner), must happen every day and be erased without trace. She is proper, thorough,…