Game designer, film lover, practicing Druid.
Favorites are recent films I gave 5/5
“I never expected a Godzilla film to make me cry.” - my dad.
Over all of the Godzilla films I’ve seen, whether it’s Invasion of the Astro-Monster, to the more recent American productions, I’ve always loved setting up Godzilla as a kind of hero. He’s cool, fun, and often I care far more about him than any of the humans on screen. That’s not universal across all Godzilla films, of course, but it’s a trend and one I wasn’t really…
Borderline unwatchable. Only reason I could get through it was by seeing it with a crowd of likeminded silver-screen masochists. What is most unforgivable is the multiple leering scenes that do nothing, go on for way to long, and seemingly include the audio of the cameraman unable to catch his breath.
It has some weak points, but overall a fun and creative horror movie. The way the film plays around with weaving the flashbacks gets quite hypnotic almost, before fully blending them in maddening and thematic ways. It could have been so much more, but it’s still pretty good!
The true treasure was the Tim Currys we found along the way.
Fun fact, if Ruber's eyelids or eyebrows ever stop moving, he dies.