

(I don't include anime films on my 4 favorites because I already have them on anilist and I want to showcase some other stuff.)

Favorite films

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Sullivan's Travels
  • Slacker
  • Be Kind Rewind

Recent activity

  • Jackass Number Two


  • Jackass: The Movie


  • A Christmas Carol


  • It's a Wonderful Life


Recent reviews

  • Jackass: The Movie

    Jackass: The Movie


    knoxville's laugh can cure any disease

  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol


    While not the most elegant of adaptations in its (rather charming) made-for-TVness and choice to be extremely literal, this story has the most power when its righteous anger and the deeply broken nature of Scrooge are kept at the forefront and this knocks those elements out of the park. These are spirits that I'm sure give children who watch nightmares about becoming rich assholes worthy of a visit from each, making the over-the-top merry Scrooge of the ending feel like an appropriate swing to another extreme.

Popular reviews

  • Hoch der Lambeth Valk

    Hoch der Lambeth Valk


    Learning that that this proto-YTP shitpost made Goebbels fly off the handle in rage makes my day much better.

  • Wax, or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees

    Wax, or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees

    A film of my childhood spent watching vhs tapes from the library on ufos projected through filter upon filter of transparencies of my art which tries to smash together retro computing, esotericism, a DIY conspiracy aesthetic, nature worship, and Christian imagery.

    Almost painfully directed at me.  To me, this is less of an experience of its own and more a forced look at the creative voice and aesthetic I’ve been trying to put together.  Also bees are scary.
