

Favorite films

  • The Incredibles
  • The Lighthouse
  • Spirited Away
  • Funny Games

Recent activity

  • The Departed


  • Caravaggio


  • Videodrome


  • Amadeus


Recent reviews

  • The Departed

    The Departed


    Remembering the first time I saw this as a child
    I was on a plane next to my grandmother and she’d try to cover the screen whenever there’d be any bloody scenes 
    I was so invested In it and I couldn’t even hear what anyone was saying
    I watch it again in college and obviously I’m like “wow this is so good”
    Watched it today because I was thinking about movies set in Boston 
    Anyways what I’m trying to say is, this movie is a classic, I wish I had a Boston accent, and this is Mark Wahlbergs only good role 😩

  • Caravaggio



    Beautiful looking film
    Kinda aimless, kinda slow, but has an interesting atmosphere to it
    Put this on while I was drawing so unfortunately I was only half paying attention
    So I guess this review doesn’t count 😭
    I’ll watch it again at some point
    Also, Tilda Swintons first movie role!!!
    She looks so different here!!!

Popular reviews

  • The Incredibles

    The Incredibles


    The Incredibles 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
    -very personal review-


    But fr tho, the Incredibles impacted child me SO hard. I think I was like 6 or 7 when I watched this and I was absolutely blown away. The art direction, the music, the animation, the DRAMA. It’s. All. There.
    And I absolutely love that the movie is about family dynamics, and family problems mixed with super hero flare. 
    As I child my favorite scene was…

  • The Invisible Man

    The Invisible Man


    What the fuc  k
    I absolutely did not expect this movie to be this good
    But it was