they really don't make movies like this anymore
crazy that this feels like a cultural time capsule and its only been ...20 years lol yikes
they really don't make movies like this anymore
crazy that this feels like a cultural time capsule and its only been ...20 years lol yikes
the 3 problems with this movie:
gosling's hair
carell's accent
corwin's editing (and it's the best editing he's done! I can do better!!)
wew lad
they played this on campus at the theatre thingy so I went to watch it
it was also pouring rain, which is incredibly fitting
between staying up til 4 partying last night and anemia there were 2 bits (~10 mins) where I had trouble staying awake. this was mostly because there was no dialogue and it was basically just ASMR. I'd recommend drinking some coffee beforehand or during the movie to stay alert (even though it isn't boring…