Very fun stylized film, Wesley Snipes was perfect as blade.
Also a very 90s film in good and bad ways, there's some awful CG in here and loads of martial arts and electronic dance music.
Some great fight scenes throughout too
May well be the most forgettable movie of all time, effects are pretty sweet on the robots but no idea where the $320m dollars went.
Tries to be all preachy about living in the real world at the end like this film wasn't designed so you could scroll on your phone throughout and not miss a thing.
All the actors just play characters they've played before (bar Woody he gets a pass) and you can see straight through the plot…
Was really missing redzone Sundays so thought this film was the closest I could get to spending a Sunday with 4 massive Domino's fans.
Have no nostalgia for this film, but despite this it was actually pretty good, fun fights and the turtles are obviously class.
Wish they spent a bit more time establishing the character of each of the individual ones but you can't have everything, fair play to the turtle actors for scrapping in those big bulky suits.
Another one for the list of would've been the best movie ever if I saw it when I was 8.
No idea why I watched this or how it won a rake of awards.
Feels really pretentious and scripted at parts which just defeats the point of it all, it's a fun concept for a 15 min YouTube video rather than a full film.
You'd have way more fun just playing the game yourself for 90 mins.