
Jesse Pro

This is a running log of all the films I’ve watched since 2018.

Favorite films

  • Dawn of the Dead
  • American Movie
  • Paris, Texas
  • The Fugitive

Recent activity

  • Bridesmaids


  • Challenge of the Tiger


  • Days of Heaven


  • Operation Condor


Recent reviews

  • Bridesmaids



    Watched the “Unrated Cut” (because it was the version available VIA streaming) and it’s 130 minutes! 

    There’s definitely some funny moments, and there a lot of genuinely funny people involved, but let’s tighten this up a bit? 

    To be fair, I did sort of expect that I was going to hate this and I didn’t, so that’s a win.

  • Challenge of the Tiger

    Challenge of the Tiger


    Slow motion topless tennis within the first five minutes is a clear indication you are in for something special. 

    As far as these things go, this is a good one.

Popular reviews

  • Paganini Horror

    Paganini Horror


    When you’re in the mood for fun Italian trash, and you see the poster for Paganini Horror, you might assume you’re about to have a great time. 

    And if your favorite genre of movie is “people walking around a house, calling out to each other, with no sense of fun or excitement” then you just might like this!

    Or maybe you’re a fan of very aggressive day-for-night cinematography? Luigi Cozzi has you covered. 

    Shame on this movie for being so dull. You got Donald Pleasance playing the literal Devil. And for what??

  • Little Darlings

    Little Darlings


    Great summer camp film that is much more than the sum of its parts. Far from a typical teen sex comedy. The interplay between Tatum O’Neal and Kristy McNichol was very sweet and the ending got me.