Favorite films

  • The Holy Mountain
  • Purple Rain
  • Bad Taste
  • Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Recent activity

  • Hasselager Hunchback

  • Dirty Pop: The Boy Band Scam


  • The Yara Gambirasio Case: Beyond Reasonable Doubt


  • Z-O-M-B-I-E-S


Recent reviews

  • Flipped



    My 12 year old daughter wanted to watch this with me while she was sick. I am glad it's her favorite movie. I have to wipe the tears from my face.

  • Cujo



    'Cujo' was the first horror film I ever saw when I was 8 or 9. I am pretty sure I was scared back then. It still stands up when it comes to gore (especially with how Cujo looks), tension and suspense. 'Cujo' also succeeded on creating a claustrophobic sense of dread.

    Any of us can think of what we would do in similar situation. Most would pick up your phone and call for help, but remember this was 1983.…

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    Satanic Cults and Ritual Crime

    If I found a copy of South of Heaven in my daughter's room, I would feel more like a success than a failure.

  • Interview with a Serial Killer

    Interview with a Serial Killer


    I saw this on Netflix. Is anyone else wondering if the killer's grand daughter is actually wearing a Burzum shirt in the photograph? It's evil all around I suppose.
