Jonny Camps

Jonny Camps

Favorite films

  • They Live
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Whiplash
  • Citizen Kane

Recent activity

  • The Apprentice


  • Carry-On


  • In the Heart of the Sea


  • The Hunt for Red October


Recent reviews

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    Fantastic movie. Watched with my Dad who’s a long time Trump supporter, we both absolutely loved the film. This movie has been utterly shrouded in either blackballed movie limbo or bad politicized press, when in fact the movie had nothing to do with politics and didn’t even have a left leaning spin or anything. We were both shocked by how sympathetic they made Trump as protagonist, like the audience was really motivated to root for the guy, and i think…

  • Carry-On



    Watching this on a plane was the only entertaining part

Popular reviews

  • The Hunt for Red October

    The Hunt for Red October


    This is by far the worst naval combat movie I’ve ever seen. The immersion is completely not there, Sean Connery acts like he came to a set for a paycheck and that’s it. Everyone else acts their asses off to the point of theatrical acting or just plain campy like Baldwin’s character, talking to himself to service the book’s narration. Meanwhile,  Connery doesn’t do more than 5 lines in Russian before he decided to make the whole cast speak in…

  • Trap



    This movie is so fucking stupid, yet again a perfect example of how whoever writes M. Night’s movies is a reptile that doesn’t understand how humans talk to each other.
    They really tried to convince us that they aren’t a reptile, but they failed. You’re definitely a reptile. Everyone in this film has a combined count of maybe 5-6 brain cells. Maybe that’s like 500 in reptile terms so it must make sense to them.
    Also I really don’t like…
