Xavier Fitzgerald

Xavier Fitzgerald Patron

Favorite films

  • Cloud Atlas
  • It's Such a Beautiful Day
  • Blade Runner
  • Jesus Christ Superstar

Recent activity

  • Living in Oblivion


  • I'm Not a Robot


  • Malcolm


  • Tombstone


Recent reviews

  • Living in Oblivion

    Living in Oblivion


    I love a movie that comes with a tutorial.

    Such a cool movie, I guffawed when it did certain things and loved the story and dialogue.

    Fantastic performances all round. Especially loved Wolf's physicality though I kept thinking it was Mac from always sunny.

  • I'm Not a Robot

    I'm Not a Robot


    People are right when they say it's basically a black mirror episode. I liked all the English sprinkled throughout the dialogue and I do think it gets a lot done with it's runtime

    (she was real especially is a line that does a lot of story telling)

    Also yeah I enjoy hearing Creep, I am what I am.

Popular reviews

  • The PriceMaster

    The PriceMaster


    I really wish someone had made an outrageously high offer to see if Pricemaster would have counter offered a reasonable price

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    The best kind of horror film where Characters make wrong choices but you completely understand why.

    May be Australian bias but I thought this was an absolute banger. Great structure to the film with a slow build to the crisis point. The scare scenes all worked fantastically due to the direction, sound design and acting. Loved the camera work as well in the possession scenes.

    Hoping this becomes a modern classic, loved the dabble of the occult into the incredibly relatable 'house party where everyone is egging each other on while all being uncomfortable' vibes.