Xavier Fitzgerald

Xavier Fitzgerald Patron

Favorite films

  • Cloud Atlas
  • It's Such a Beautiful Day
  • Blade Runner
  • Jesus Christ Superstar

Recent activity

  • Murder on the Orient Express


  • The Thin Red Line


  • Living in Oblivion


  • I'm Not a Robot


Recent reviews

  • Murder on the Orient Express

    Murder on the Orient Express


    I somehow have avoided knowing how this story ends my entire life so that was neat getting to experience the actual mystery. I was able to clue some things before hand but also fell for some red herrings.

    Kenneth is going some great blocking throughout the film and I love how he uses the space of the train. Those overhead shots showing how narrow the train is are so brilliant.

    Poirot gets a bit corny right at the end but the other performances are cool despite them all not having too much time to shine.

  • The Thin Red Line

    The Thin Red Line


    Jaw droppingly beautiful visuals!!

    Didn't realise who directed this and as such was not expecting something as spiritual as this was.

    I haven't seen many movies about the Pacific theater but this really created an enveloping atmosphere. Cast was all phenomenal and it's great how many people you know that rock up.

    Maybe loses a bit of steam right at the end, return of the king vibes with several endings seguing into each other.

Popular reviews

  • The PriceMaster

    The PriceMaster


    I really wish someone had made an outrageously high offer to see if Pricemaster would have counter offered a reasonable price

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    The best kind of horror film where Characters make wrong choices but you completely understand why.

    May be Australian bias but I thought this was an absolute banger. Great structure to the film with a slow build to the crisis point. The scare scenes all worked fantastically due to the direction, sound design and acting. Loved the camera work as well in the possession scenes.

    Hoping this becomes a modern classic, loved the dabble of the occult into the incredibly relatable 'house party where everyone is egging each other on while all being uncomfortable' vibes.