It gets a little wild here, Enjoyer of cinema
Wolverine solos.
I’m not much into looney tunes nowadays but seeing this made my 8 yr old self happy, shame on you WB for how you treating this property.
Fuck the haters, man this movie was fucking awesome while not topping Hugh’s performance from Logan this is definitely taking 2nd place and ofc Ryan being Deadpool knocks it out of the park a little few things could’ve been better but overall ldc this movie was fucking spectacular and l can’t wait to see it again thank you Kevin feige.
“What the fuck?” Is what l would sum this movie up before l get to the more of the stuff that didn’t worked l will say this:
• Phoenix once again great as always,Gaga great too everyone here is great
• Movie looks gorgeous
• Score and some of the music works well
• Story
• Pacing
• The musicial elements dragged on too long after a first couple of songs
• This movie was literally the definition…