

Favorite films

  • The Warriors
  • Spotlight
  • Young Frankenstein
  • The Devil Wears Prada

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  • Mrs. Doubtfire


  • Trap

  • Hot Rod


  • In a Violent Nature


Recent reviews

  • Mrs. Doubtfire

    Mrs. Doubtfire


    This movie is absolutely insane. Robin Williams is the most annoying man in the world and has the same haircut as Matilda. He should never be allowed to see his children again. Also, he knew everything his wife wanted the whole time but could only do it as Mrs Doubtfire??? What an asshole. Pierce Brosnan FTW.

  • Trap


    Not really sure what M was going for with this. Beginning was fun and then it got extremely silly. Josh Hartnett is bugs bunny.

Popular reviews

  • Creep



    I don’t think I like Mark Duplasse as a person but he did a good job here. The jump scares weirdly miss the mark (duplasse) and the main guy was meh. Also based on his collection at the end he’s one of the most prolific serial killers ever and has also meticulously documented his crimes? Seems like a great way to get caught!

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature


    I enjoyed the pretty shots of Ontario forests and it was fun to see someone quite literally tied into a knot. Other than that some very mediocre acting and writing. Feels like they had a chance to make a fun forest slasher movie and missed the mark. Too much slow walking.
